Artificial Intelligence
deus ex machina
Artificial Intelligence
deus ex machina
Verket “Vardagen Anfaller” skapade jag när datorn och allt vad den innebar landande i mitt hem
AI världen ett faktum och för många har de ”riktiga”sociala kontakterna gått förlorade medan teknikens väsen har tagit över.
Världen blir mindre och mindre samtidigt som avståndet mellan människorna blir större och större
Kommer Mars närmare och narmare Jorden?
Artificial Intelligence was the theme of the event
at Teater Trixter in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Michele Collins created this story after a computer landed in her home and all the hours were spent
in front of the screen
the world may be getting smaller and smaller but the distance between people are getting bigger and bigger
is Mars getting closer and closer to the Earth?
Above is the filmed version of this 12 minute video piece projected onto 4 walls
(One wall is missing from this filmed version.)
audiences stand inside the center of the video space and all four screens are viewed at the same time (priority seating arranged)
Four projectors were directed towards the screens and four amplifiers were placed behind each screen for complete sound.
The screens made a room in the space and a wind machine was added to enhance
Alternative ways of presenting the piece can be made according the context and space etc.
”Taken by Storm” 12 min
michele collins… direction
matilda friman…. camera
thomas frank… sound